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Arias, E. G., Eden, H., & Fischer, G. (2016). The Envisionment and Discovery Collaboratory (EDC)--Explorations in Human-Centered Informatics with Tabletop Computing Environments. Morgan & Claypool Publishers.
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Arias, E., Eden, H., Fischer, G., & Scharff, E. (1998). Creating Shared Understanding through Collaborative Design with the Envisionment and Discovery Collaboratory. Boulder, CO: University of Colorado at Boulder.
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Arias, E. G., Eden, H., & Fischer, G. (1997). Enhancing Communication, Facilitating Shared Understanding, and Creating Better Artifacts by Integrating Physical and Computational Media for Design. In Proceedings of Designing Interactive Systems (DIS '97) (pp. 1–12). Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Acm.
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Arias, E. G., Eden, H., & Fischer, G. (1997). Enhancing Communication, Facilitating Shared Understanding, and Creating Better Artifacts by Integrating Physical and Computational Media for Design. In Proceedings of Designing Interactive Systems (DIS 97) (pp. 1–12). Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Acm.
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Arias, E. G., Eden, H., Fischer, G., Gorman, A., & Scharff, E. (2001). Transcending the Individual Human Mind—Creating Shared Understanding through Collaborative Design. In J. M. Carroll (Ed.), Human-Computer Interaction in the New Millennium (pp. 347–372). New York: ACM Press.
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