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Fischer, G. (2005). From Reflective Practitioners to Reflective Communities.. Proceedings of the HCI International Conference (HCII), Las Vegas, July 2005 (published on CD).
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Fischer, G. (2005). Beyond Binary Choices: Understanding and Exploiting Trade-Offs to Enhance Creativity. In J. S. Gero, & M. L. Maher (Eds.), Computational and Cognitive Models of Creative Design (pp. 71–92). Sydney, Australia: Key Centre of Design Computing and Cognition, University of Sydney.
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Fischer, G. (2005). Socio-Technical Environments Supporting People with Cognitive Disabilities (in Japanese; translated by Takemi Yamazaki). Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ) Magazine, 46(11), 1269–1278.
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Fischer, G. (2005). Distances and Diversity: Sources for Social Creativity. In Proceedings of Creativity & Cognition (pp. 128–136). London, April: Acm.
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Fischer, G. (2005). Social Creativity: Making All Voices Heard. In Social Creativity ((published-on). Proceedings of the HCI International Conference (HCII), Las Vegas, July 2005.
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