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Fischer, G. (2000). Lecture 1: High-Functionality Applications and User Modeling. Lecture 1.
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Fischer, G. (2000). Lifelong Learning – More Than Training. Journal of Interactive Learning Research, Special Issue on Intelligent Systems/Tools In Training and Life-Long Learning (eds.: Riichiro Mizoguchi and Piet A.M. Kommers), 11(3/4), 265–294.
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Fischer, G. (2000). Social Creativity, Symmetry of Ignorance and Meta-Design. Knowledge-Based Systems Journal (Special Issue on Creativity & Cognition), Elsevier Science B.V., Oxford, UK, 13(7-8), 527–537.
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Fischer, G. (2000). Design, Learning, Collaboration and New Media—A Co-Evolutionary HCI Perspective. In N. O. S. H. and S. L. C. Paris (Ed.), Proceedings of OZCHI 2000 (pp. 282–289). Sydney, Australia.
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Fischer, G. (1999). Conceptual Frameworks and Innovative Computational Environments in Support of Self-Directed and Lifelong Learning.
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