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Dawe, M., & Fischer, G. (2007). 'Let Me Show You What I Want': Engaging Individuals with Cognitive Disabilities and their Families in Design. In (submitted to CHI'2007).
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Dick, H., Eden, H., & Fischer, G. (2011). From Consumers to Owners: Using Meta-Design Environments to Motivate Changes in Energy Consumption. Torre Canne (Brindisi), Italy: upcoming.
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Fischer, G., & Herrmann, T. (2011). Socio-technical Systems: A Meta-design Perspective. Socio-technical Systems, 3(1), 1–33.
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Carmien, S. P., & Fischer, G. (2008). Design, Adoption, and Assessment of a Socio-Technical Environment Supporting Independence for Persons with Cognitive Disabilities. In Proceedings of CHI 2008 (pp. 597–607). Florence, Italy: Acm.
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