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Fischer, G., Jennings, P., Maher, M. L., Resnick, M., & Shneiderman, B. (2009). Creativity Challenges and Opportunities in Social Computing (Panel). In Proceedings of CHI'2009 (Boston) (pp. 3283–3286). New York, NY: Acm.
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Fischer, G. (2010). Extending Boundaries with Meta-Design and Cultures of Participation. In Proceedings of NordiCHI 2010 (pp. 168–177). Reykjavik, Iceland.
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Fischer, G. (2010). End-User Development and Meta-Design: Foundations for Cultures of Participation. End-User Development and Meta-Design, 22(1), 52–82.
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Fischer, G. (2009). Democratizing Design: New Challenges and Opportunities for Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. In Proceedings (Vol 1) of CSCL 2009: 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, University of the Aegean, Rhodes, Greece (pp. 282–286).
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