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Fischer, G. (1999). Domain-Oriented Design Environments — Supporting Individual and Social Creativity. In J. S. Gero, & M. L. Maher (Eds.), Computational Models of Creative Design IV (pp. 83–111). Sydney, Australia: Key Centre of Design Computing and Cognition.
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Fischer, G. (1999). Social Creativity, Symmetry of Ignorance and Meta-Design. In L. Candy, & E. Edmonds (Eds.), (pp. 116–123). New York: ACM Press.
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Fischer, G. (1999). User Modeling: The Long and Winding Road. In J. Kay (Ed.), Proceedings of UM99: User Modelling Conference (Banff, Canada) (pp. 349–355). Wien New York: Springer Verlag.
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Fischer, G. (1999). Lifelong Learning: Changing Mindsets. In G. Cumming, T. Okamoto, & L. Gomez (Eds.), 7th International Conference on Computers in Education on “New Human Abilities for the Networked Society” (ICCE'99, Chiba, Japan) (pp. 21–30). Omaha: IOS Press.
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