Landauer, T. K., & Dumais, S. T. (1997). A Solution to Plato's Problem: The Latent Semantic Analysis Theory of Acquisition, Induction and Representation of Knowledge. A Solution to Plato's Problem, 104(2), 211–240.
Millier, M. (1997). Software Agents Tutorial. In S. Pemberton (Ed.), Proceedings of ACM CHI 97 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 194–195). Tutorial 29, 2. Acm.
Abstract: “Agents” and “Agent technology” have become the new buzzwords in computer software. Much of this 'buzz' is pure hype similar to the AI hype of the 80's. The software agents tutorial is intended to provide the attendee an overview of the software and user interface technologies being applied to autonomous software modules known as “Agents”. This overview should allow the student to separate the “wheat from the chaff” and provide pointers for the student's further research into the technology.
Oshima, J. (1997). Students' Construction of Scientific Explanations in a Collaborative Hyer-Media Learning Environment. In R. Hall, N. Miyake, & N. Enyedy (Eds.), Proceedings of Computer Support for Collaborative Learning '97 (pp. 187–197). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Sommerer, C., & Mignonneau, L. (1997). A-Volve – an evolutionary artificial life environment. In V. C. Langton, & K. Shimohara (Eds.), Artificial Life (pp. 167–175). Boston: MIT Press.
Lipponen, L., & Hakkarainen, K. (1997). Developing a Culture Of Inquiry in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. In R. Hall, N. Miyake, & N. Enyedy (Eds.), Proceedings of Computer Support for Collaborative Learning '97 (pp. 164–178). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.