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Author Title Year Publication Volume Pages
Eden, H. Conceptual and Technological Support for Social Creativity in Face-to-Face Collaboration 2002
Fischer, G.; Arias, E.; Carmien, S.; Eden, H.; Gorman, A.; Konomi, S.€™ichi; Sullivan, J. Supporting Collaboration and Distributed Cognition in Context-Aware Pervasive Computing Environments 2004
Fischer, G.; Arias, E.; Carmien, S.; Eden, H.; Gorman, A.; Konomi, S.'ichi; Sullivan, J. Supporting Collaboration and Distributed Cognition in Context-Aware Pervasive Computing Environments (Paper Presented at the 2004 Meeting of the Human Computer Interaction Consortium “Computing Off The Desktop”) 2004
Arias, E. G.; Eden, H.; Fischer, G The Envisionment and Discovery Collaboratory (EDC)--Explorations in Human-Centered Informatics with Tabletop Computing Environments 2016 215
Dick, H.; Eden, H.; Fischer, G.; Zietz, J. Empowering Users to Become Designers: Using Meta-Design Environments to Enable and Motivate Sustainable Energy Decisions 2012 Proceedings of the 12th Participatory Design Conference: Exploratory Papers, Workshop Descriptions, Industry Cases 2 49-52