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Boecker, H.; Fischer, G.; Schollwoeck, U. Interaktives Problemloesen mit LOGO -- Vol. 4: Kuenstliche Intelligenz und Sprache 1987 details   openurl
Boecker, H.; Fischer, G.; Schollwoeck, U. Interaktives Problemloesen mit LOGO -- Vol. 2: Mathematik 1986 details   openurl
Boecker, H.; Fischer, G.; Schollwoeck, U. Interaktives Problemloesen mit LOGO -- Vol. 3: Informatik 1986 details   openurl
Burton, R.R.; Brown, J.S.; Fischer, G. Analysis of Skiing as a Success Model of Instruction: Manipulating the Learning Environment to Enhance Skill Acquisition 1984 Everyday Cognition: Its Development in Social Context 139-150 details   openurl
Carmien, S. &.; Fischer, G. Beyond Human-Computer Interaction: Meta-Design in Support of Human Problem-Domain Interaction 2010 Generalization of Knowledge: Multidisciplinary Perspectives 331-349 details   openurl
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