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Author Title Year Publication Volume Pages (down)
Fischer, G.; Rathke, C. Knowledge-Based Spreadsheet Systems 1988 Proceedings of AAAI-88, Seventh National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (St. Paul, MN) 802-807
Fischer, G.; Lemke, A.C.; Mastaglio, T.; Morch, A.I. Critics: An Emerging Approach to Knowledge-Based Human Computer Interaction 1991 International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 35 695-721
Fischer, G. Symbiotic, Knowledge-Based Computer Support Systems 1983 Automatica 19 627-637
Carmien, S.P.; Fischer, G. Design, Adoption, and Assessment of a Socio-Technical Environment Supporting Independence for Persons with Cognitive Disabilities 2008 Proceedings of CHI 2008 597-607
Fischer, G. A Group Has No Head — Conceptual Frameworks and Systems for Supporting Social Interaction (in Japanese; translated by Masanori Sugimoto) 1999 Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ) Magazine 40 575-582