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Author Title Year Publication (down) Volume Pages
Fischer, G. Formen und Funktionen von Modellen in der Mensch-Computer Kommunikation 1984 Psychologie der Computerbenutzung 328-343
Fischer, G. User Modeling: The Long and Winding Road 1999 Proceedings of UM99: User Modelling Conference (Banff, Canada) 349-355
Fischer, G.; Konomi, S. Innovative Media in Support of Distributed Intelligence and Lifelong Learning 2005 Proceedings of the Third IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education 3-10
Fischer, G.; Burton, R.; Brown, J.S. Analysis of Skiing as a Success Model of Instruction: Manipulating the Learning Environment to Enhance Skill Acquisition 1978 Proceedings of the Second National Conference of the Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence
Fischer, G.; Lindstaedt, S.; Ostwald, J.; Schneider, K.; Smith, J. Informing System Design Through Organizational Learning 1996 Proceedings of the Second International Conference on The Learning Sciences 52-59