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Author | Title | Year | Publication | Volume | Pages |
Attewell, P. | Technology Diffusion and Organizational Learning | 1992 | Organization Science | 3 | 1-19 |
Boland, R.J.J.; Tenkasi, R.V. | Perspective Making and Perspective Taking in Communities of Knowing | 1995 | Organization Science | 6 | 350-372 |
Brown, J.S.; Duguid, P. | Organizational Learning and Communities-of-Practice: Toward a Unified View of Working, Learning, and Innovation | 1991 | Organization Science | 2 | 40-57 |
Hansen, M.T. | Knowledge Networks: Explaining Effective Knowledge Sharing in Multiunit Companies | 2002 | Organization Science | 13 | 232-248 |
Orlikowski, W. | The Duality of Technology: Rethinking the Concept of Technology in Organizations | 1992 | Organization Science | 3 | 398-427 |