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Author | Title | Year | Publication | Volume | Pages |
Britts, S. | Dialog Management in Interactive Systems: A Comparative Survey | 1987 | SIGCHI Bulletin | 18 | 30-42 |
Constant, D. | The Productivity Paradox; Why Hasn't Information Technology Fulfilled Its Promise?: A Panel Report From CSCW'92 | 1993 | SIGCHI Bulletin | 25 | 42-44 |
Coutaz, J. | A Layout Abstraction For User-System Interface | 1985 | SIGCHI Bulletin | 16 | 18-24 |
Erickson, T.D. | Interfaces for Cooperative Work: An Eclectic Look at CSCW'88 | 1989 | SIGCHI Bulletin | 21 | 56-64 |
Foltz, P.W. | A Text Comprehension Model of Hypertext: A Theory Based Approach to Design and Evaluation | 1991 | SIGCHI Bulletin | 23 | 70 |