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Author Title Year (down) Publication Volume Pages
Clement, C.A.; Gentner, D. Systematicity as a Selection Constraint in Analogical Mapping 1991 Cognitive Science 15 89-132
Committee on Physical, M.S. and; Science, E. Grand Challenges: High Performance Computing and Communications 1991
Cypher, A. EAGER: Programming Repetitive Tasks by Example 1991 Proceedings of CHI'91 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 33-40
DeBellis, M.; Sasso, W.C.; Cabral, G. Directions for Future KBSA Research 1991 Proceedings of the 6th Annual Knowledge-Based Software Engineering (KBSE-91) Conference (Syracuse, NY) 138-142
Devanbu, P.; Brachman, R.J.; Sefridge, P.G.; Ballard, B.W. LaSSIE: A Knowledge-Based Software Information System 1991 Communications of the ACM 34 34-49