Author  |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Links |
Volpert, W. |
Von der Software-Ergonomie zur Informatik |
1993 |
Software-Ergonomie'93 |
51-65 |
Uhlich, E. |
Von der Benutzungsoberflaeche zur Arbeitsgestaltung |
1993 |
Software-Ergonomie'93 |
19-29 |
Tonso, K.L.; Songer, N.B. |
Teaching Science with a Child-Focused Internet Resource: What Do Teachers Need to Know, Where Do They Learn It, and How Does It Change Their Teaching? |
1993 |
Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (Boulder, CO) |
1005-1010 |
Tomasello, M.; Kruger, A.C.; Ratner, H.H. |
Cultural Learning |
1993 |
Behavioral and Brain Sciences |
16 |
495-552 |
Thomas, C.G.; Krogsaeter, M. |
An Adaptive Environment for the User Interface of Excel |
1993 |
Proceedings of the 1993 International Workshop on Intelligent User Interfaces |
123-130 |