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Author (down) Title Year Publication Volume Pages
McGregor, G.; Pachuski, P. Assistive Technology in Schools: Are Teachers Ready, Able and Supported? 1996 Journal of special education technology 13 4-15
Matusov, E. Intersubjectivity Without Agreement 1996 Mind, Culture, and Activity 3 25-45
Lindstaedt, S.N. Integrating System Design and Organizational Learning 1996 SIGOIS Bulletin December 68-70
Lindstaedt, S. Towards Organizational Learning: Growing Group Memories in the Workplace 1996 Computer Human Interaction 1996 (CHI '96), Doctoral Consortium (Vancouver, BC) 14-18
Lieberman, A. Creating Intentional Learning Communities 1996 Educational Leadership 54 51-55