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Author Title Year (down) Publication Volume Pages
Faa, The Interfaces Between Flight crews and Modern Flight Deck Systems 1996
Sherry, L.; Polson, P.G. Annunciation and Training of Knowledge-Based Avionics 1996
Colgan, A.H.; Weidemann, C.D. Careers in Transition: Higher Education's Role in Serving Displaced Professionals 1996 Continuing Higher Education Review 60 1-11
Koschmann, T.D. (ed) CSCL: Theory and Practice of an Emerging Paradigm 1996
McNamara, D.S.; Kintsch, E.; Songer, N.B.; Kintsch, W. Are Good Texts Always Better?: Interactions of Text Coherence, Background Knowledge, and Levels of Understanding in Learning from Text 1996 Cognition and Instruction 14 1-43