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Author (down) Title Year Publication Volume Pages
Sommerer, C.; Mignonneau, L. A-Volve – an evolutionary artificial life environment 1997 Artificial Life 167-175
Soloway, E.; Wallace, R. Does the Internet Support Student Inquiry?: Don't Ask 1997 Communications of the ACM 40 11-16
Shneiderman, B.; Maes, P. Direct Manipulation vs. Interface Agents 1997 Interactions (ACM) 4 42-61
Schlager, M.S.; Schank, P.K. TAPPED IN: A New On-line Teacher Community Concept for the Next Generation of Internet Technology 1997 231-240
Russel, J.N.H.G.E.L.C.F.J.H. &. A.M. Trends and Differential Use of Assistive Technology Devices: United States: 1994: Advanced Data From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – National Center for Health Statistics 1997