Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Links |
Miller, J.; Maes, P.; Shneiderman, B. |
Intelligent Software Agents vs. User-Controlled Direct Manipulation: A Debate |
1997 |
Proceedings of ACM CHI 97 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems |
105-106 |
Millier, M. |
Software Agents Tutorial |
1997 |
Proceedings of ACM CHI 97 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems |
194-195 |
Morch, A. |
Three Levels of End-User Tailoring: Customization, Integration, and Extension |
1997 |
Computers and Design in Context |
51-76 |
Morton, S.; Bukhres, O. |
Utilizing mobile computing in the Wishard Memorial Hospital ambulatory service |
1997 |
287-294 |
Muth, R.; Gier, M.; Clark, J. |
Millennium College: Faculty Roles and Governance in the 21st Century |
1997 |
American Association of Higher Education, Annual Meeting (San Diego, California) |