Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Morton, S.; Bukhres, O. |
Utilizing mobile computing in the Wishard Memorial Hospital ambulatory service |
1997 |
287-294 |
Bellotti, V.; Rogers, Y. |
From Web Press to Web Pressure: Multimedia Representations and Multimedia Publishing |
1997 |
Proceedings of ACM CHI 97 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 1997 |
1 |
279-286 |
Ishii, H.; Ullmer, B. |
Tangible Bits: Towards Seamless Interfaces between People, Bits and Atoms |
1997 |
Proceedings of ACM CHI 97 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'97) |
1 |
234-241 |
Schlager, M.S.; Schank, P.K. |
TAPPED IN: A New On-line Teacher Community Concept for the Next Generation of Internet Technology |
1997 |
231-240 |
Ullmer, B.; Ishii, H. |
The MetaDESK: Models and Prototypes for Tangible User Interfaces |
1997 |
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology |
223-232 |