Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
McCallion, P.J.M. |
Exploring The Impact Of Culture And Acculturation On Older Families Caregiving For Persons With Developmental Disabilities |
1997 |
Family Relations |
46 |
347 |
Hargadon, A.; Sutton, R.I. |
Technology Brokering and Innovation in a Product Development Firm |
1997 |
Administrative Science Quarterly |
42 |
716-749 |
Berghel, H. |
Cyberspace 2000: Dealing with Information Overload |
1997 |
Communications of the ACM |
40 |
19-24 |
Soloway, E.; Wallace, R. |
Does the Internet Support Student Inquiry?: Don't Ask |
1997 |
Communications of the ACM |
40 |
11-16 |
Terveen, L.; Hill, W.; Amento, B.; McDonald, D.; Creter, J. |
PHOAKS: A System for Sharing Recommendation |
1997 |
Communications of the ACM |
40 |
59-62 |