Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Rader, C.; Brand, C.; Lewis, C. |
Degrees of Comprehension: Children's Understanding of a Visual Programming Environment |
1997 |
Proceedings of CHI 97 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems |
351-358 |
Brand, C.; Carlone, H.; Lewis, C.; Rader, C.; Robinson, C. |
Learning with Models in Elementary School Science |
1997 |
National Association for Research in Science Teaching 1997 Annual Conference |
forthcoming |
Henderson, B. |
Electronic Journalism |
1997 |
Perrone, C.; Spencer, S.; Arias, E. |
Mr. Roger's Sustainable Neighborhood: A Visual Language Case Study for Community Education |
1997 |
Visual Languages '97 (Capri, Italy) |
forthcoming |
Spencer, S.; Perrone, C.; Goldstein, M. |
Mr. Roger's Sustainable Neighborhood |
1997 |
Environmental Design Research Association Conference (EDRA) (Montreal, Canada) |
126-127 |