Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Raymond, E.S. |
Homesteading the Noosphere |
2000 |
Rambow, R.; Bromme, R. |
Was Schöns âreflective practitionerâ durch die Kommunikation mit Laien lernen könnte? |
2000 |
Wissen â Können â Reflexion: Ausgewìhlte Verhìltnisbestimmungen |
245-263 |
Radinsky, J. |
Making sense of complex data: A framework for studying students' development of reflective inquiry dispositions (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Northwestern University, Chicago) |
2000 |
Putnam, R. |
Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community |
2000 |
Priyantha, N.B.; Chakraborty, A.; Balakrishnan, H. |
The Cricket Location-Support System |
2000 |