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Author Title Year Publication Volume (down) Pages
Laaksonen, R.; Evans, J.; Lorenzi, L.; Wilson, B.A.; Taussik, I.; Schuri, U.; Andrade, J.; Baddeley, A.; Bruna, O.; Carmen, T.; Sala, S.D.; Green, R. A Comparision of “Errorless” and “Trial-and-error” Learning Methods for Teaching Individuals with Acquired Memory Deficits 2000 Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 10 67-101
Resnick, M.; Berg, R.; Eisenberg, M. Beyond Black Boxes: Bringing Transparency and Aesthetics Back to Scientific Investigation 2000 Journal of the Learning Sciences 9 7-30
Fischer, G.; Greenbaum, J.; Nake, F. Return to the Garden of Eden?: Learning, Working, and Living 2000 The Journal of the Learning Sciences 9 505-513
MÃ~rch, A.I.; Mehandjiev, N.D. Tailoring as Collaboration: The Mediating Role of Multiple Representations and Application Units 2000 Computer Supported Cooperative Work 9 75-100
Arias, E.G.; Eden, H.; Fischer, G.; Gorman, A.; Scharff, E. Transcending the Individual Human Mind—Creating Shared Understanding through Collaborative Design 2000 ACM Transactions on Computer Human-Interaction 7 84-113