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Author Title Year Publication Volume (down) Pages
Dieberger, A.; Dourish, P.; Höök, K.; Resnick, P.; Wexelblat, A. Social Navigation: Techniques for Building More Usable Systems 2000 Interactions 7 36-45
Shneiderman, B. Creating creativity: user interfaces for supporting innovation 2000 ACM Transactions on Computer Human-Interaction 7 114-138
Moon, J.Y.; Sproull, L. Essence of Distributed Work: The Case of the Linux Kernel 2000 First Monday 5
Nardi, B.A.; Whittaker, S.; Schwarz, H. It's Not What You Know, It's Who You Know: Work in the Information Age 2000 First-Monday: Peer-reviewed Journal on the Internet 5
Mumford, E. A Socio-technical Approach to Systems Design 2000 Requirements Engineering, 5 59-77