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Author Title Year Publication Volume (up) Pages
Brown, J.S.; Duguid, P. Re-education 2000 The Social Life of Information 207-241
Mumford, E. Socio-technical Design: An Unfulfilled Promise or a Future Opportunity 2000 Proceedings of the IFIP TC9 WG9.3 International Conference on Home Oriented Informatics and Telematics, “IF at Home: Virtual Influences on Everyday Life”: Information, Technology and Society, June 2000
Pangaro, P. Participative Systems: An Immodest Proposal to Measure the Relative Values of Software Demos 2000
Miyake, N.; Masukawa, H.(. 2. 0. 0. 0.). Relation-Making to Sense-Making: Supporting College Students' Constructive Understanding with an Enriched Collaborative Note-Sharing System 2000 Proceedings of ICLS 41-47
Renninger, K.A. Individual interest and development: Implications for theory and practice 2000 Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The search for optimal motivation and performance 375-404