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Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages
Bransford, J.; Vye, N.; Stevens, R.; Kuhn, P.; Schwartz, D.; Bell, P.; Meltzoff, A.; Barron, B.; Pea, R.; Reeves, B.; Roschelle, J.; Sabelli, N. Learning Theories and Education: Toward a Decade of Synergy 2006 Handbook of Educational Psychology (2nd ed) 209-244
Buechley, L.; Elumeze, N.; Eisenberg, M. Electronic/Computational Textiles and Children’s Crafts 2006 Proceedings of Interaction Design and Children 49-56
Carmien, S. Socio-Technical Environments Supporting Distributed Cognition for Persons with Cognitive Disabilities 2006
Carmien, S. Assistive Technology for Persons with Cognitive Disabilities – Artifacts of Distributed Cognition 2006 CHI06 Workship of Desinging Technology for People with Cognitive Impariments at the CHI'06 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Carmien, S.; Kintsch, A. Dual User Interface Design As Key To Adoption For Computationally Complex Assistive Technology 2006