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Ambach, J.; Perrone, C.; Repenning, A. Remote Exploratoriums: Combining Networking and Design Environments 1995 Computers and Education 24 163-176 details   openurl
Anderson, J.R.; Corbett, A.T.; Koedinger, K.R.; Pelletier, R. Cognitive Tutors: Lessons Learned 1995 The Journal of the Learning Sciences 4 167-207 details   openurl
Arias, E.G. Designing in a Design Community: Insights and Challenges 1995 Proceedings of Designing Interactive Systems (DIS'95) Symposium: Processes, Practices, Methods, & Techniques 259-263 details   openurl
Atwood, M.; Burns, B.; Girgensohn, A.; Lee, A.; Turner, T.; Zimmermann, B. Prototyping Considered Dangerous 1995 179-184 details   openurl
Atwood, M.; Burns, B.; Girgensohn, A.; Zimmermann, B. Dynamic Forms: Intelligent Interfaces to Support Customer Interactions 1995 Interact'95 details   openurl
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